In 2020 when I was applying for jobs I wrote about my values for my resume. It is “work-forward” (particularly with the first line being the first line) and it is an artifact of its time, but largely these are still values that I hold dearly.

    Systems, Wisdoms, Documentation, & Categorization;

    Eloquence, Candor, Quiet, & a Good Conversation;

    Verbosity, Curiosity, Self-Awareness, & a Stomach for Details;

    Help, Interest, Space, & Gracefulness;

    Earnestness, Willingness, Openness, Meditativeness;

    UnSelfishness, UnSelfConsciousness, UnSelfHatedness, UnSelfGatedness;

    Tools, Transposition, Cross-Pollination, Self-Selection;

    Commitment, Sharing, Caring, & a Good Metaphor;

    && Taking Care of Folks by Being Sweet & Kind & Quick to Help!

The rest of my 2020 resume can be found here. I took great joy in taking the CV outside of its usual technical form into something poetic, that played to my strengths and expressed my soul. It’s worth noting that at last I have completed the personal site I was working towards three and yes four years ago!

I am working on updating it now. I’m quite happy in my job really, but I’d like it updated on principle.